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Imagine, for a second, the McCain Campaign HQ in Raleigh NC Election day...     A handful of volunteers, some there just because the boss suggested it would be a good career move, mostly paid.  Slogging their way through their call sheets.   Under staffed and demoralized by a 10 point national poll deficit, they are only focused on canvassing a few GOP stronghold neighborhoods.  

Now imagine the Obama Office.  Humming with activity.  Organized well staffed but tired from a long campaign.  Then YOU show up.  You and your car load of "out of state" volunteers who drove all the way from #insert your city/state here# to help out in this key battle ground state.  The result is what a military tactician would refer to as a"force multiplier".  Because not only do the dry statics of the battle improve (houses knocked, calls made) but the moral and energy of the entire regiment improves.  

We are in a battle and you have a choice; be a spectator, or be a PART of history...  
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