“I’m running in 2020 as an independent” ... so Democrats better get ranked choice with unbound electors in place before then. We just came off an election where 60% of voters wished there were other choices. The problem has always been the Nader/Perot “spoiler” effect has always stopped other candidates from throwing their hat in the ring. There is a solution to it without abolishing the electoral college and amending the constitution. The constitution only prescribes a few basic things about the election of the President:
- That elections be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
- That there be an electoral college that meets to do the final voting.
- That said college be comprised of representative equal to the total congressional representation for each state. (538)
- That there can be no poll tax on voters
- That there can be no discrimination
Those are the basic bullets. The rest is left up to the states. How the ballots look, how the voting machines work and how the votes are tabulated are all up to states. There is no Federal mandate or rule stating electors at the college must vote for a particular candidate. All the laws and rules about “faithless” electors come from state legislatures. We could fight for a ballot initiatives, on a state by state basis, that might read something like this:
Yes/No : Implement a “Ranked Choice” voting system for all statewide and federal positions including electors for President of the united states. Electors for president being “unbound” and encouraged to vote for viable candidates within their voting coalition with no punishment for being “faithless”.
Let’s imagine a reality where this election cycle FL, OH, VT, & MI all had this system and Kasich and Sanders stay in the race in those states.
Sanders 26
Clinton 28
Trump 28
Kasich 18
(Winner Clinton as Kasich and Sanders roll up)
Kasich 31
Trump 19
Sanders 32
Clinton 18
(winner Sanders as a portion of Trump and Clinton roll to him)
Sanders 75
Clinton 10
Trump 2
Kasich 13
(Winner Sanders)
Clinton 20
Sanders 32
Trump 30
Kasich 18
(Winner Sanders as Kasich Clinton roll up)
Lets images the rest of the states continue with their two party-centric systems and pan out the same way. Let’s imagine Bernie is the beneficiary of the FBI fiasco as people instead of switching to Trump or staying home chose him. Let’s also imagine that Bernie continues his populist message and driving youth turn-out. He also gets additional POC turn-out as more and more begin to see he was willing to get himself arrested for the cause of justice and his opposition to the 94 crime bill strikes a chord. On the GOP side: Kasich offers a valve for people to oppose trump but only increases GOP turnout marginally outside OH. In this scenario, no one would know the winner of the election until the electoral college met. But chances are the Bernie electors (as directed by the laws of their state) would be encouraged to vote Clinton, and we would not be looking at “President Elect Trump” on our news feeds.
We progressives do well when turnout is high. More choices and more candidates actively working to get out vote will get more people to the polls. Imagine also the level of discourse if it’s not: “come vote for the lesser of two evils” but rather “come out and vote for the candidate you actually like.”
Additionally, the progressive states could ask for concessions for their electoral switch. So for Bernies MI and VT electors he might ask for input on the Treasury Secretary appointment.
I’m convinced that Ranked Choice/Instant Runoff elections structured in this fashion would result in:
- Higher voter turnout.
- More positive discourse
- More issue focused discourse
- Insurance against “October Surprises”
- A feeling of investment by the people as the winner will have received either a 1st or 2nd choice vote from not just a plurality but a majority of the people.
- A broader spectrum of viewpoints at the seat of power as the winning government will need to be formed by coalition instead of winner take all.
- A more open system free from the type of rigging we saw this primary season.
The beauty of this is that it doesn’t take any constitutional amendments (as would be to eliminate electoral college) , and it can be done safely (Without fear of introducing spoilers) on a state by state basis. I think this were Bernie should focus his revolution : reform the electoral process and break the two party corporatocracy.
The people are ready for more and better options in a system that does not sabotage their will.