Just a observation on the current state of our manufactured consent;
I’ve noticed the MSM producers have stumbled on some secret sauce to generate the type of faux conflict that drives ratings. Bernie is a 74 year old Jewish guy from Brooklyn he talks with his hands. Always has. First few debates the podiums were spread Bernie was on left most times so his big hand gestures went out into a void. As the debates have progressed I’ve noticed the podiums getting closer and closer together and putting Bernie on the right (he’s right handed) to make sure his gesticulations “invade” her space. I don’t think this is by accident. I’m not saying this is a DNC optics play (Not sure who controls this) more likely MSM producers call looking to maximize optics of conflict. It’s something that the Bernie campaign needs to be aware of however. On the big “excuse me” debate; it’s clear this is a win/win strategy of HRC. We saw this in 2008.